The new Food Waste Regulations (NI) 2015 require all food businesses in Scotland & N.Ireland to ensure that food waste is separately collected and recycled.
CaterWaste™ provide waste food trap collection services documenting evidence of compliance with the new Food Waste Regulations.
CaterWaste™ service contract is endorsed through our high number of satisfied repeat customers including kery brand chainstores all receiving good service at a fair price.
CaterWaste™ avoid the handling of waste food, grease & bacterial solutions by non-equipped inhouse personnel reducing the risk of kitchen cross contamination or breach of HACCP requirements.
CaterWaste™ are N. Irelands' leading catering waste food trap service maintenance, collection & emptying specialists of waste food, fat, oil and grease for restaurants, cafes, hotels, schools and hospitals and fast food chain stores.
The Catering Waste Food Trap Maintenance Service helps customers to :
Comply with the new Food Waste Regulations (NI) 2015.
Reduce drain blockages and kitchen downtime/operational costs.
Demonstrate visible Food Waste Prevention measures to local authority inspectors.
Maintain road & food washdown yard gullies free from blockage.
An internal FoodTrap service option is also available for non accessible tankered pumping availability such as in food courts in shopping centres and multi-story buildings or basements.
Preventing food waste from the detrimental disposal to drain is a vital aspect of food waste reduction. Food Waste Regulations (NI) 2015 will not allow the deposition of food waste into a lateral drain or sewer.
Food Waste Prevention measures installed in the form of a Food Trap at source or at the final point to drainage discharge are regularly emptied and serviced by CaterWaste™
Our service yard collection also includes excess wet food waste collection of:
We can also provide transportable sealed and approved dolly drums for in store customers that may have large distances to transport recovered food oil & grease to central storage service yard container